Terms and Conditions


Goodafternoonwork從設計、製作、商品拍攝、網店上架、客戶服務⋯⋯ 整個營運現時只由一人獨力工作,因此,訂單製作需時,最少 14 個工作天,以及任何查詢亦請耐心等候,會盡力盡快處理,請多多見諒。

Please be patience

Goodafternoonwork is an one-man-band business. Therefore, please be patience while waiting for your order or inquiry response. Custom order lead time at least 14 working days.



Return & refund

Our products are handmade with care. If you have any enquiry about the products, please let us know before placing the order. We will try our best to communicate with you, make sure you have a happy shopping experience at Goodafternoonwork.
All products are double-checked and packaged well before process to shipping. Therefore, we will not accept return or provide refund for any damage of product caused during shipping. 

  • 我們保留不時修正售價、寄送收費、退換貨政策及網上購物條款及細則的權利,並毋須作出事前通知;如有任何爭議,Goodafternoonwork保留最終決定權。

  • We reserve the rights to modify price, shipping fee, return & refund policy and terms & conditions.